What is KP Astrology


KP astrology, also known as Krishnamurti Paddhati, is a system of astrology developed by the late Indian astrologer Krishnamurti. The KP system is based on Vedic Astrology principles but incorporates certain refinements and simplifications. Krishnamurti Paddhati was developed in the mid-20th century and gained popularity in India.
Here are some key features of KP astrology:

1. Sub-Lord System: In KP astrology, a planet is not just ruled by its star lord but is also influenced by its sub-lord. The sub-lord is a specific subdivision within the constellation or Nakshatra.

2. Cuspal Interlinks: KP astrology introduces the concept of "Cuspal Interlinks," where the cusps (the beginning degrees) of houses and planets are considered crucial. These cusps are believed to have significant influence, and planetary aspects are determined based on the connections between these cusps.
3. Ruling Planets: The concept of ruling planets is a distinctive feature of KP astrology. Each cusp in a horoscope is associated with a specific planet, and these ruling planets are considered for predictions.
4. Use of Placidus House System: While traditional Vedic astrology often uses the whole sign house system, KP astrology typically employs the Placidus house system, which divides the space around the Earth into unequal segments.
5. Event Prediction: KP astrology is often used for precise event prediction. Practitioners may use specific timing techniques to determine when particular events might occur in an individual's life.
6. Horary Astrology: KP astrology is often used for horary astrology, where specific questions are addressed by casting a chart for the time when the question is asked. This method is believed to provide quick and specific answers to queries.
7. Placidus House System: Unlike traditional Vedic astrology, which often uses the whole sign house system, KP astrology typically employs the Placidus house system. The Placidus system divides the space around the Earth into unequal segments, and it is believed to be more accurate for certain predictive techniques.
8. Timing Events: KP astrology places a strong emphasis on timing events accurately. Various techniques, including the dasha system and the use of planetary periods, are applied to determine when specific events are likely to occur in an individual's life.
It's important to note that while KP astrology has gained popularity in certain regions, it is just one of many astrological systems, and views on its efficacy can vary. As with any form of astrology, proficiency in interpretation and application is crucial for accurate predictions, and individuals interested in astrology often consult experienced practitioners for insights into their lives.
 Also it  is a belief system and is not considered a science by the scientific community. Different astrological systems exist worldwide, and practitioners may choose the one that resonates with their beliefs and preferences. If you are interested in astrology for personal guidance, it's essential to consult with a qualified astrologer who can provide insights based on the specific system they follow.
Famous personality. In India who have adopted k p astrology

Several astrologers in India have adopted Krishnamurti Paddhati (KP astrology) and are known for their expertise in this system. It's important to note that the popularity and recognition of astrologers can vary, and their fame may be more within specific circles of astrology enthusiasts. 
1. Late Krishnamurti: Krishnamurti himself, the founder of KP astrology, was based in India. His teachings laid the foundation for the KP system.
2. K.S. Krishnamurti: K.S. Krishnamurti, often referred to as KSK, was a prominent astrologer and a key figure in the development and popularization of KP astrology.
3. Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit): Dr. Andrew Dutta is a well-known astrologer based in India who specializes in KP astrology. He is also recognized for his work in astrological research.
4. P. V. R. Rayudu: P. V. R. Rayudu is another astrologer who has contributed to the practice and dissemination of KP astrology. He has conducted workshops and written books on the subject.
5. Jyotish Guruji: Jyotish Guruji is the pen name of a contemporary astrologer who has gained popularity for his insights and predictions using KP astrology. He is active on social media platforms and has a following among astrology enthusiasts.
6. Dr. Andrew Annadorai: Dr. Andrew Annadorai is known for his expertise in KP astrology and has authored books on the subject. He is recognized for his contributions to the field and has conducted workshops and seminars.
7. Vedic Astrologer PVR Narasimha Rao: PVR Narasimha Rao is an astrologer who has contributed to the promotion and practice of KP astrology. He is known for his online tutorials and discussions on various astrological topics.
8. K. Hariharan: K. Hariharan is an astrologer who specializes in KP astrology. He has conducted workshops and written books to educate and guide individuals interested in this system.
9. Avinash Sharma: Avinash Sharma is a 
     KP astrologer based in India who provides consultations and guidance using the principles of Krishnamurti Paddhati.

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